Intergaz İnsan Kaynakları Departmanı tarafından düzenlenen, Yaşam Boyu Eğitim Programı çerçevesinde Davranış Bilimci, eğitimci, oyuncu, senarist, danışman ve yapımcı Mehmet Auf ve Drama Oyuncusu Melih Yetkin’i ağırladı. Toplumsal yaşamdaki değişim ve dönüşümlerin iş dünyasında yarattığı devinimler, değişen ve gelişen ihtiyaçlar,...
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Read moreStreet Basketball Games held on the 16th and 17th of July 2016
Within the scope of the 11. Torchlight Festival organised by the Dikmen Municipality, we sponsored the Street Basketball Games held on the 16th and 17th of July 2016.
Read moreThe Civil Defence Organisation organised a “National Disaster and Emergency Response Exercise” between the 31st March and 1st of April.
The Civil Defence Organisation organised a “National Disaster and Emergency Response Exercise” between the 31st March and 1st of April. Our company which is increasing its opportunities and capabilities each day and also has a lead role on the topic...